Model mit Outfit designed von Vladimir Stanek / Czech Republic Triumph Inspiration Award 2011 und Fashionshow im E - Werk in Berlin am 06.07.2011 (c.) TRIUMPH


125 years of celebrating women

„Mirror of beauty“

The winning concept of “Mirror of beauty” is based on the symbolism of the basic elements which are linked with the beauty of women.

Mallarme says that a window and mirror are symbols of viewport to infinity, for Seneca it is a symbol of moral soul-searching. In Christian and Islamic traditions it’s considered a symbol of virtue, but also symbol of vanity and self-love. Mirror can be found in works of writers (Alice, Snow-white) as well as painters (Venus). In iconography the mirror was bound to ambivalent meanings: it was an attribute of Pride and also Wisdom, Vanity, Lust and also Immaculate Conception.

On the model, the mirror is stylized into a shape emphasizing of womanhood. The glass is cut in the form of diamond.

Pink (“roseus” in Latin) is supposed to be a color of love, in Persian it’s called “صورتی‌” which means color of the face. The combination of the pink color and smoke-tinged mirror is intended to highlight tenderness, frailty, mystery and view to unknown, to the beautiful, to the past and to the future.


Berlín Fashion Week

The Triumph Inspiration Award
Winner Czech Republic