PRAGUE CITY TOURISM Another step towards a premium European metropolis! Prague City Tourism is implementing a unified dress code for all employees working at historical sites and tourist information centers in Prague starting from July 1st. This move is a strategic effort to cultivate the brand of Prague and enhance the quality of services provided. […]

COAL We have found inspiration for the exclusive collection of men’s bags named COAL in the ancient sedimentary rockof organic origin of the same name. Vladimír Staněk utilised the process of long-term transformation of vegetation into black coal as a metaphor for illustrating the essence of the design process. The thoughts and creative processes that […]

MILAN DESIGN WEEK The Milan Design Week in Italy is the world’s largest showcase of design. Czech Design Week, through its selection, sent designers and brands who presented themselves at this event. In Milan, a collection of bags was introduced as a representation of the new generation of Czech design. 2019 Type: Design fair

DESIGNBLOK Introduction of the collection of luxury men’s leather bags and accessories, COAL. This collection embodies elegance and clean design that intertwines with a youthful and progressive spirit. A minimalist installation emphasizes the idea and concept of the entire collection. 2019 Client: Stinak Type:Leather bags, Exhibition

THE TRIUMPH INSIRATION AWARD 2011 125 years of celebrating women „Mirror of beauty“ The winning concept of “Mirror of beauty” is based on the symbolism of the basic elements which are linked with the beauty of women. Mallarme says that a window and mirror are symbols of viewport to infinity, for Seneca it is a […]